Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Extending A Hand Of Peace"

We choose,
whether to attack
or to embrace
each other.
~ Joseph Rosendo

There are a million shades of gray between acceptance and rejection, or between peace and war. These confusing gray areas often make it extremely difficult to keep civility in life, and we often fail in maintaining peaceful relations even if we don't wish it to be that way. But sometimes in an adverse situation, a brief window of opportunity will open where we have the chance to extend our hand across a distant gulf between ourselves and another, to build a bridge of peace where there once was none. Even if the effort may not be accepted and the window closes, the best we can do for the world is to try. If we don't try, the moment passes unfulfilled and we have been negligent. And if the attempt is rejected, hopefully the gesture will not go out in vain and may somehow create a small ripple of peace in the world that will carry on.

"An olive branch has long been a symbol of peace, deriving from the olive leaf which a dove carried back to Noah to mark the end of the flood (Genesis 8:11)."

Monday, October 12, 2009

"The Zen Of Being Productive"

"It's an absolute tragedy if you
don't have something that's
really your life's purpose"
~ Julia Child

Julia Child found herself in Paris with her husband who was assigned there by the U.S. State Department. With no children, she searched for something to do with her life. She soon realized that since she loved French cooking, she should master it. The rest is history and now Julia's entire home kitchen is preserved in the Smithsonian Museum. Success comes when you find work that you love to do and dedicate your life to it. May we all be so blessed.